Saturday, December 21, 2019

Health Care Reform A Proactive Stance On Healthcare

Today’s modifications in health care reform will merit nurse executives to form associations with healthcare providers to remain viable and take a proactive stance on healthcare. Nurse leaders are essential players in regards to establishing standards and leading organizational change. The American Organization for Nursing Executives (AONE) established competencies that are foundational to transform an environment, which includes partnering with others for favorable outcomes. The AONE mission and vision is â€Å"to shape the future of health care through innovative and expert nursing leadership† (AONE, 2011, p. 3). Nurse leaders will need the skills established by the AONE competencies, which encompass communication and relationship building, knowledge of the healthcare environment, leadership, professionalism, and business skills (AONE, 2011). The communication and relationship-building domain are vital fundamentals when establishing a healthcare team. This domain specifies effective communication which places emphasizes through oral and written presentations to facilitate effective communication efforts. This domain fosters building trusting, collaborative and effective communication with all healthcare disciplines that will contribute to new and innovative strategies, thus favorable results (AONE, 2011). The nurse executives can utilize this competency to prepare and support the novice nurse leader by influencing their behaviors through engaging the novice nurse inShow MoreRelatedSystem Management Populations: An Analysis of the Quality Metrics for Managing Chronic Diseases1243 Words   |  5 Pageswork in writing will take a stance on the efficiency of current automated trigger systems to help manage patient safety and answer as to whether these are proactive or reactive responses when educating patients on diseas e management. 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